Highest quality is allowed to play as well.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Design & Digital Lead.
NANI skin care products are of highest quality. This should not only be reflected visually but in the entire brand experience.
The visual language is both clear and strong but with a twist.
The brand feels slick — whoever decides on a NANI product has already made the decision before visiting the website. Digitally, therefore the focus is on finding and ordering the already chosen product with ease.
Highest quality is allowed to play as well.
Creative Direction, Art Direction, Design & Digital Lead.
NANI skin care products are of highest quality. This should not only be reflected visually but in the entire brand experience.
The visual language is both clear and strong but with a twist.
The brand feels slick — whoever decides on a NANI product has already made the decision before visiting the website. Digitally, therefore the focus is on finding and ordering the already chosen product with ease.